Literary Terms

Techniques and industry terms to help you develop your writing craft.

Adnomination: A Neat Way to Wordplay

Adnomination: A Neat Way to Wordplay

Beloved by rappers, preachers and speakers, the rhetorical device dates back to the days of Greek philosophers.

What Is Accismus? Irony Lovers, Rejoice

What Is Accismus? Irony Lovers, Rejoice

The ancient Greek technique uses irony for dramatic effect, often in love and lust.

What Is Allegory? How to Serve Readers Symbolism With Style

What Is Allegory? How to Serve Readers Symbolism With Style

The famous literary device uses storytelling as a vehicle for understanding complex ideas.

Alliteration: How Similar Initial Sounds Give Language More Life

Alliteration: How Similar Initial Sounds Give Language More Life

The term refers to repeating a consonant or word part, and has several subcategories.

What Is a Nutgraf? Sum It Up Succinctly

What Is a Nutgraf? Sum It Up Succinctly

Slang for "nutshell paragraph," the nutgraf is the one paragraph that summarizes why readers should care about your story.

Hyperbole Definition: Start Overdoing It, Literally

Hyperbole Definition: Start Overdoing It, Literally

In hyperbole (pronounced “hy-PURR-bull-ee”), you purposely overexaggerate details to illustrate your point in a dramatic way.

Colloquialism Definition: Make It Sound Like How People Talk

Colloquialism Definition: Make It Sound Like How People Talk

By using more informal language, you add realness to your characters... ya know?

Neologism Definition: Yes, You Too Can Invent New Words

Neologism Definition: Yes, You Too Can Invent New Words

It’s not enough to make up a new word, though. To be a legit neologism, the word must become mainstream.

Adynation Definition: The More Ridiculous, the Better

Adynation Definition: The More Ridiculous, the Better

The literary device takes hyperbole to the extreme and is often used for comedic effect.

Allusion Definition: Sometimes, an Indirect Reference Is the Way to Go

Allusion Definition: Sometimes, an Indirect Reference Is the Way to Go

By making a covert reference, you’re giving a little gift to people who pick up on it.

Anecdote Definition: Use a Cute Lil’ Story to Get the Point Across

Anecdote Definition: Use a Cute Lil’ Story to Get the Point Across

The literary device is quite common, and is often used in journalism to create a feeling of human connection.

Analogy Definition: Help People Compare and Connect the Dots

Analogy Definition: Help People Compare and Connect the Dots

By comparing two unlike things, you help readers reference something familiar to help explain something unfamiliar.